
This page collects the various outputs and other resources generated by the project

Principal recommendations for food waste management improvements in the Hospitality and Food Service sector in Peru and Colombia

Focused in food waste reduction and prevention:

1. Food waste prevention training is needed for staff across HaFS businesses

2. Food waste awareness raising should target both HaFS staff and customers

3. Restaurants should to plan, develop and implement short-term actions and reviews of food waste management practices 

 4. Restaurants need to develop medium and long-term strategies and policies at organisational level to improve food waste management practices as well as systems

5. Governments and a range of stakeholders included restaurants and suppliers need to develop strategies and policies for food waste management at local and national level

Going beyond food waste management:

1. An integrated approach to sustainable development is needed to improve waste management systems. This includes stakeholder engagement, participation, partnership and collaboration.

2. Environmental management system implementation and continuous development is required to improve waste management as well and other environmental, economic and societal aspects at organisational, local and national level. In addition, environmental management systems could help improve the overall management of restaurants, especially small and medium enterprises which has been the case in other studies.

3. Explore possibilities of developing business models and brands that have environmental and social concerns and related actions as a central aspect.

This is the report of the Colombian element of the research

Strengthening Collaborative Food Waste Prevention in COLOMBIA: Towards Responsible Consumption and Production

This document reports only on the findings from Colombia, based on the city of Medellín. An accompanying report on the work in Peru can be found above. In addition to a literature review, we generated primary data from three main stages of the project. These encompassed an online quantitative survey, a series of qualitative expert interviews and an online workshop for HaFS representatives in Medellín. The latter involved a mixed grouping of participants with contributions from HaFS business representatives, academics and, specialists in food waste reduction and the circular economy.

This is the report of the Peruvian element of the research. [in Spanish]

Hacia La Producción y El Consumo Responsable


  • En el presente informe se dan a conocer los resultados de la investigación Collaresen en Perú: “Hacia la producción y el consumo responsable”, teniendo como objetivo el entendimiento de las dinámicas del manejo de residuos alimentarios pertenecientes a la etapa post consumo de los alimentos generados en el sector de la hostelería y los servicios alimentarios.

This is the article of the Peruvian report in Journal Sustainability – SCOPUS.

Strengthening Collaborative Food Waste Prevention in Peru: Towards Responsible Consumption and Production


  • The objective of this research is to examine the situation of organic waste management in food services in the cities of Lima and Tacna in Peru.

Video presentation [in Spanish]

This video, produced by the Peruvian team, describes the problem of food waste, the main types of waste and how circular economy approaches can help tackle this issue. 

Video presentation [in Spanish]

In this short video, Paula Marcela Hernández Díaz, Professor at the School of Engineering, Universidad EAFIT, presents the business case for tackling food waste.

She outlines how the WRAP Guardians of Grub methodology can be applied to hospitality and food service businesses.

Video presentation of COLLARES 2021 

Dr Adrian Morley, Principal Investigator and Valeria Vargas Co-Investigator presented the project at the XVIII International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability in January 2022.  

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